Dr.Jason Tsai is a State-Certified Acupuncture Physician and a Doctor of Oriental Medicine (Taiwan) as well as a Certified Chi Kung Instructor and an experienced meditator. Dr. Tsai graduated from Hong Kong University in 1992 and also studied at the Taiwan Chinese Cultural University, and worked at the Har-Ping Hospital. Afterwards he went to China to study additional methods of Acupuncture at 3 different universities. When he worked at the Chinese Tian Ging Hospital he treated many stroke patients. He later came to the United States and opened his own acupuncture clinic in 1996. Dr. Jason Tsai is the Top & Best licensed acupuncturist In Hollywood city, South Florida.
Dr. Tsai’s primary concern is always the patients’ well-being. He believes in providing caring, individualized treatment for all of his patients. By combining traditional acupuncture with electro-therapy, bio-magnetics, and infra-red light therapy, patients receive doubly-effective treatments. Dr. Tsai utilizes acupuncture and high-tech therapy to assist in the correction of facial aging, hormonal imbalance, and accident-related injury.
He has achieved excellent results in stroke recovery, stress reduction, arthritic stiffness, sciatica, spinal stenosis, leg pain, numbness, headaches, allergies, as well as chronic neck and back pain. Dr. Tsai emphasizes the importance of your spine and how it is related to all kinds of illnesses including herniated disk, stroke, blood pressure, sciatica and pinched nerves.
Dr. Tsai can also help people with depression and sleep disorders to eliminate dependence on drugs. In his practice he uses the important age-old method of Chinese pulse diagnosis, also used and popularized by the Ayurvedic Physicians of India. Through pulse diagnosis, he receives vital information about the condition of the internal organs, assisting him in making accurate diagnoses. You can rest assured that you are receiving concerned expert care for painful conditions where circulation may be impaired.
By use of disposable, single use, sterile needles to specific points in the body, Chi (Life Force) and electrical activity is restored, resulting in a renewed flow of healing oxygen to body and brain. People from all walks of life seek him out from all areas and distances because they know of his worth. Dr. Tsai and his staff welcome your inquiries and will be glad to discuss proposed treatment and care. Acupuncture may be the answer to many of your health questions.
Contact us today to schedule your Free Consultation – 954-987-6988