Herniated Discs

Herniated Discs Acupuncture treatment Miami

Herniated Discs Acupuncture Treatment Miami | Miami Acupuncture

We are the Spine Specialists in Miami, FL. If you suffer from back pain, perhaps it is due to a herniated disc, Dr. Tsai provides the best herniated disc treatment in North Miami, FL. Herniated Discs Acupuncture Treatment Miami. For a free consultation, call 954-987-6988 today!


1. The patient should bring MRI films, or the medical reports, if they are available, that help confirm the area of herniation. We would review the reports and determine how we can help the patient.

2. We can decompress the spine and open the disc spaces to relieve the pain with acupuncture. This does not heal the herniation

3. With the use of our Hi-Tech Energy machine we can heal the part of the disc that is compressing the nerve

4. We will make sure that the patient’s whole system is working together. If one organ or system has a problem, which could affect blood circulation- low energy to support the skeletal system. Adjusting and balancing the system is necessary to maintain health.

5. We will provide patient with correct exercises.


When your back hurts, everyday activities can become difficult or evenintolerable. Sitting, bending and twisting can cause sharp pain, a dull ache, or annoying tingling and numbness. One cause of back pain is a herniated disk, sometimes called a slipped disk or a ruptured disk. Herniated disks are most common in the lower (lumbar) spine, but about 10 percent occur in the neck (cervical spine).

Anyone can get herniated disks, but herniations in the lumbar spine are most common between 35 and 45 years of age. Cervical disk herniation is more common between 50 and 60 years of age.

You can have a herniated disk without knowing it – herniated or bulging disks sometimes show up on spinal images of people who have no symptoms of a disk problem. But some herniated disks can be painful.

The most common signs and symptoms of a herniated disk are:

1. Sciatica – a radiating, aching pain, sometimes with tingling and numbness, 
that starts in the buttock and extends down the back of one leg.

2. Pain, numbness or weakness in the lower back and one leg, or in the neck, shoulder, chest or arm.

3. Low back pain that worsens when you sit, cough or sneeze.

4. Using your back muscles instead of your leg and thigh muscles to lift large, heavy objects can lead to a herniated disk, as can twisting and turning while lifting.

5. More rarely, a traumatic event such as a fall or a blow to the back can cause a herniated disk.

6. Significant or increasing pain, numbness or weakness spreading to one or both legs.

7. Bladder or bowel dysfunction, including incontinence or difficulty urinating 
even with a full bladder.

8. Progressive loss of sensation in areas that would touch a saddle (inner thighs, 
back of legs and area around the rectum).

9. Loss of movement.


Conservative treatment – mainly avoiding painful positions and following a planned exercise and pain-medication regimen – relieves symptoms in nine out of 10 people with a herniated disk. Within a couple of months of starting this treatment, you should be back to normal. Imaging studies show that the protruding or displaced portion of the disk shrinks over time, corresponding to the improvement in symptoms. Depending on your symptoms, your doctor may recommend:

Modified activity. Take it easy when you have severe back pain. Try to stay away from activities that aggravate your symptoms, such as improper reaching, bending and lifting, using a rowing machine, and prolonged sitting.

Physical therapy. A physical therapist can apply heat, ice, traction, ultrasound and electrical stimulation for pain relief. Physical therapists can also show you positions and exercises designed to minimize the pain of a herniated disk. As the pain improves, physical therapy can advance you to a rehabilitation program of core strength and stability to maximize your back health and help protect against future injury.

Heat or cold. Initially, cold packs can be used to relieve pain and inflammation. After a few days, you may switch to gentle heat to give relief and comfort.

Pain medication. A variety of pain medications can be prescribed.

Bed rest. Constant, severe back pain from a herniated disk sometimes requires one or two days in bed on a firm surface or mattress. Strict bed rest for longer than a day or two, however, can inhibit recovery by causing loss of muscle tone.

Time. Herniated disk symptoms generally take four to six weeks to significantly improve. If your symptoms have not resolved after six weeks, more aggressive therapies may be effective.

Call today for Herniated Discs Acupuncture Treatment Miami –  954-987-6988

Schedule your free consultation to find out what else you can be doing to improve your chances.

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